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Xenial Product Documentation

Using XKM

This section provides instructions on how to use Xenial Kitchen Management (XKM).

Navigate Pages on a Kitchen Display

When the number of orders exceeds the number of available cells on a page, the newest orders are moved to a new page.

The title bar located at the bottom of the screen identifies the page that is currently open and the total number of pages.

To navigate the pages of a kitchen display:

  1. In the title bar, locate the page numbers.

  2. Select the chevron symbols to open the previous/next page.

Symbol Functions

The following table describes the function of each chevron symbol.



left double-arrow icon

View the first page, which contains the oldest orders.

left single arrow icon

View the previous page.

right single-arrow icon

View the next page.

right double-arrow icon

View the last page, which contains the newest orders.

The chevron symbols turn black when there are other pages to view. If the chevron symbols are gray, then there are no additional pages to view in that direction.

When viewing the last page of orders, the symbols to the right of the page number are gray, indicating there are no additional pages to view.

Page Swipe

Swipe pages on the display in lieu of using the page controls. The swipe function is supported in both row and column view.

Claim an Order Item


The following is an optional feature that is configured by the system administrator.

When an order arrives in the kitchen, it may appear on multiple kitchen displays enabling more than one employee to prepare the order items. To identify who is working on which items, each employee claims the items they will prepare.

To claim an order item, tap it on the kitchen ticket. Tapping a modifier or child item will claim the related parent item.

When an order item is claimed, the item is highlighted on the ticket on all displays with a light blue background and a triangle appears in the upper-right corner. This enables other employees to see another employee claimed the item. The color of the triangle is configurable to identify the kitchen display where the item is claimed.

Claim an Item Claimed at Another Station

To claim an item that is already claimed at another station:

  1. Tap it on the kitchen ticket.

  2. When prompted to confirm the operation, select Continue.

The claimed item color-coding is updated accordingly.

Complete a Claimed Item

When a claimed item is fully prepared, tap the claimed item a second time to mark it as complete. When an order item is complete, the item is highlighted on the ticket on all displays with a light green background. A check mark is displayed inside the triangle in the upper-right corner.

If necessary, tap a completed item again to remove its completed status.

Bump Bars

The bump bar is the physical controller that is connected to a kitchen monitor.

Select the buttons on the bump bar to perform specific actions on the kitchen display, such as navigating the order list, bumping an order from the display, and recalling a bumped order to the display.


Bump bars may be set up differently for each kitchen display.

Bump Functions



Bump recalled orders

Bump all recalled orders from the display.

Bump selected order

Bump the currently selected order from the display.

Bump cell number

Bump an order from a particular cell on the display.

For example, press 2 to bump the order from cell 2.

View bumped orders

View the list of orders that were bumped from the display.

Park selected order

Designate the state of the order as "Parked". This is useful for the Drive-Thru destination when a customer in the drive-thru lane is asked to park their car and wait for their order.

Recall last order

Return the most recently bumped order to the display.

Lookup a recipe

View the recipe for an order item.

Open Production Forecaster Pane

Open the Production Forecast Pane.

Open Notifications Menu

Open the Notifications Menu.

Menu Functions




Refresh the order information on the display.


Open/close the Order Item Summary Pane.

Order Functions




Move the order selector to the right.


Move the order selector to the left.


Move the order selector up.


Move the order selector down.

Page Navigation Function



Go to the First Page

Return to the first page of orders.

Next Page

View the next page of orders.

Page Down

Return to the previous page of orders.

Bump an Order

When all order items are prepared and the order is ready to be served to the customer, the order needs to be "bumped" from the kitchen display.

Bumping an order removes it from the kitchen display. All orders in line behind it move up one cell.

Bump orders using the bump bar or the touchscreen.

Bump Bar

To bump an order using the bump bar:

  1. Navigate to the order using the arrow buttons.

  2. Select the Bump button on the bump bar – OR – select the kitchen ticket number on the bump bar.

    • For example, to bump kitchen ticket #2, select 2.


The method to bump an order using the touchscreen differs in Row View vs Column View.

Row View

In Row View, orders are displayed in rows. The order numbers are sequenced from left-to-right.

To bump an order, touch the kitchen ticket header or any blank area on the kitchen ticket.

Column View

In Column View, orders are displayed in columns. The order numbers are sequenced from top-to-bottom.

To bump an order, touch the kitchen ticket header.

Split Screen

On a split screen display, order numbering continues from one view to the next.

A single bump bar is used to interact with the orders on both views of the split screen.

View Bumped Orders

Orders that have been bumped from the kitchen display can be retrieved for review. This helps when researching a customer complaint about their order.

View bumped orders using the bump bar or the touchscreen.

Bump Bar

To view a bumped order using the bump bar:

  1. Select the View Bumped Orders button on the bump bar.

    • The bumped order list is displayed.

    • The bumped order list is sorted from newest to oldest.

  2. Select the View Bumped Orders button a second time to return to the open orders screen.


To view a bumped order using the touchscreen:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. From the popup menu, select Recall Screen.

    • The bumped order list is displayed.

    • The bumped order list is sorted from newest to oldest.

  3. From the title bar of the display, select the arrow button to return to the open orders screen.

Filter Orders by Destination

Filter orders by destination to quickly locate a particular order or restrict the order destinations that are shown on a kitchen display.

To filter orders by destination:

  1. From the Expanded Functionality Menu, select Destination Filters.

    • The Destination Filters screen opens.

    • All order destinations are selected by default.

  2. From the Destination Filters screen, deselect the order destinations to NOT show on the kitchen display.

    • Use the arrow buttons on the bump bar to navigate to the order destination.

    • On the bump bar, select the BUMP button to deselect the order destination.

  3. Once the filter(s) are defined, select Done to exit the Destination Filters screen.

A notification is shown on the kitchen display that identifies the filtered order destinations. To clear the order destination filters, select Clear Filters on this notification.

Park an Order

Designa el estado de una orden como "Estacionada". Esto es útil en el destino de Autoservicio cuando se le solicita a un cliente en el carril de autoservicio que estacione su auto y espere por su pedido.

When an order is parked, the kitchen ticket is displayed with an orange outline. The ticket header contains the following:

  • Etiqueta Orden Estacionada con una indicador "P".

  • Tiempo transcurrido desde que la orden fue estacionada.

To park/unpark an order:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. From the popup menu, select Park/Unpark Order.

  3. From the Park Orders screen, select the order.

Recall an Order

If an order is bumped from a kitchen display by mistake, recall the bumped order to the open orders display.

When an order is recalled, a ***RECALLED*** label appears in the kitchen ticket header. This label helps the kitchen staff to quickly identify recalled orders.

Recall orders using the bump bar or the touchscreen.

Bump Bar

To recall the most recently bumped order:

  • On the bump bar, select the Recall Last button.

    • The recalled order is returned to the open orders screen.

    • The recalled order is selected by default enabling the kitchen staff to immediately perform another action on the order.

    • Updated quantities of existing items on a recalled order are displayed as separate added items to help the kitchen staff determine the items to prepare.

To recall another bumped order:

  1. On the bump bar, select the Bumped Orders View button.

    • A list of bumped orders is displayed.

    • In the BUMPED ORDERS field of the title bar, the number of bumped orders is specified.

  2. On the bump bar, select the cell number that contains the order to recall.

  3. Select the Bumped Orders View button a second time to return to the open orders screen.

    • The recalled order is returned to the open orders screen.

    • The recalled order is selected by default enabling the kitchen staff to immediately perform another action on the order.

    • Updated quantities of existing items on a recalled order are displayed as separate added items to help the kitchen staff determine the items to prepare.


To recall the most recently bumped order:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. From the popup menu, select Recall Last.

    • The recalled order is returned to the open orders screen.

    • The recalled order is selected by default enabling the kitchen staff to immediately perform another action on the order.

    • Updated quantities of existing items on a recalled order are displayed as separate added items to help the kitchen staff determine the items to prepare.

To recall another bumped order:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. From the popup menu, select Recall Screen.

    • A list of bumped orders is displayed.

    • In the BUMPED ORDERS field of the title bar, the number of bumped orders is specified.

  3. Touch the header of the cell that contains the order to recall.

  4. On the right side of the title bar, select the arrow button to return to the previous page.

    • The recalled order is returned to the open orders screen.

    • The recalled order is selected by default enabling the kitchen staff to immediately perform another action on the order.

    • Updated quantities of existing items on a recalled order are displayed as separate added items to help the kitchen staff determine the items to prepare.


On a split screen display, recalled orders are returned to their original view.

Lookup an Item Recipe

Lookup an item recipe using the bump bar or the touchscreen.

Lookup an Item Recipe with Bump Bar

To lookup and view the recipe for an order item with the bump bar:

  1. Navigate to the order using the arrow buttons.

  2. On the bump bar, select the Drill through button.

  3. Navigate to the item using the arrow buttons.

  4. Select the Recipe Lookup button to open the Recipe Lookup screen.

  5. If necessary, use the arrow buttons to select the recipe.

  6. From the Recipe Lookup screen, select the tab to view.

    • Select the Basic Instructions tab to read the recipe instructions. Select the right arrow button to proceed to the next step.

    • Select the Video Instructions tab to view a video on how to prepare the recipe.

  7. Select the Recipe Lookup button to close the Recipe Lookup screen.

Lookup an Item Recipe on Touchscreen

To lookup and view the recipe for an order item on a touchscreen:

  1. Select the order.

  2. Select the order item.

  3. From the title bar on the display, select hamburger_menu_icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  4. From the Expanded Functionality Menu, select Recipes to open the Recipe Lookup screen.

  5. If necessary, select the recipe to view.

  6. From the Recipe Lookup screen, select the tab to view.

    • Select the Basic Instructions tab to read the recipe instructions. Select the right arrow button to proceed to the next step.

    • Select the Video Instructions tab to view a video on how to prepare the recipe..

  7. Select the Recipe Lookup button to close the Recipe Lookup screen.

View Notifications

Notifications alert the kitchen staff of events or situations that require their attention, such as "Printer is offline" or "Large party arrived".

To view notifications:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. From the popup menu, select Notifications.

  3. From the Notifications menu, read and/or dismiss the notifications.

    • To dismiss a notification, select the red X red "x" icon next to the message.

  4. Close the Notifications menu.

Kitchen Schemes

A kitchen scheme is a set of configuration specifications for each kitchen station. Typically, a unique kitchen scheme is defined for each day part and/or for High Volume and Low Volume business hours.

For example, a High Volume kitchen scheme includes all four kitchen stations in the site while the Low Volume kitchen scheme only includes two kitchen stations.

When the XKM application starts, the most recent kitchen scheme is reloaded.

Change the Kitchen Scheme

To change the kitchen scheme on a kitchen display:

  1. From the title bar of the display, select the hamburger icon to open the Expanded Functionality Menu.

  2. Select Change Scheme.

  3. From the Select Kitchen Scheme window, select the kitchen scheme to enable.

    • The currently active kitchen scheme is highlighted.