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Xenial Product Documentation

General Details

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Suite Catering Orders Order List

Select an order to access the General menu located on the left:

General Details Area



Suite Order

Order Number

System-generated order ID

Order Type

Classification of order


Order state


The event occurring for the day/time of the order


The suite to deliver the order


The account responsible for the order

Suite Attendant

The suite attendant handling the order

Order Source

Source of the order

Point of Contact


  • For SuiteSpot orders, information about the authorized users who placed the orders is used to populate the above fields and they can be modified.

  • After an order is created, changes to accounts and authorized user information will not have any effect on the order.

  • Modifying information in the Point of Contact section will not impact information that is configured via the 4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccounts.

First Name

For an account order:

  • If an authorized user is selected for the account on the New Order popup, the first name, last name, email, and phone number of the authorized user are displayed and they can be modified.

  • If no authorized user is selected for the account on the New Order popup or the account does not have an authorized user, these fields are left blank but venue staff can manually fill in them.

For a guest order:

  • If the first name, last name, email, and phone numbers are specified on the New Order popup, they are displayed and they can be modified.

  • If the first name, last name, email or phone numbers are not specified on the New Order popup, these fields are left blank but venue staff can manually fill in them.

First Name

Last Name


Phone (Business)

Phone (Home)

Phone (Mobile)

Order Summary

Food & Beverage

Sum of the ADO Extended, EDO Extended, and par stock Extended


Sum of the ADO Discount, EDO Discount, and Par Stock Discount

Admin Fee

Administrative charge of the order

Pre-Payment Tip

Fee tip + Gratuity

Only POS orders with fee tip or gratuity have pre-payment tips. For details about how to add support for fee tip and gratuity,  see Available Order Options.

Inc Tax

A tax amount that is already included in the total price of a product


When Tax Inclusive is toggled on, taxes are inclusive (Inc Tax); when off, they're exclusive (Exc Tax). See XDM - Tax Rates - General for configuration details.XDM - Tax Rates - General

Exc Tax

A tax amount that is not included in the listed price of a product

Order Total

Food & Beverage - Discount + Admin Fee + Pre-Payment Tip + Exc Tax


Sum of payment tips


Total payment

Order Balance

Total + Tip - Payment

Invoice Balance

The cumulative total of unpaid balances from the order's invoices

This column is displayed only when the order has an invoice payment. Voided invoice payment records are ignored.

Discounts & Fees


  • Fields in this area are disabled if no item is added to the order.

  • Account-level admin fees override but do not affect admin fees at the suite admin settings level.

  • Order-level admin fees override but do not affect account-level admin fees.


For an account order, it inherits the account’s discounts if there is any, but the discounts can be changed. For details about how to configure the account's discounts, see Setup or Edit Account.

For a guest order, it is empty by default and can be manually selected.

For more information about discount configuration, see Configure Discount.

Automatic Discounts

This dropdown is disabled by default. If the Xenial Online Ordering module applies an automatic discount to the current order, this discount is displayed. For details about how to configure an automatic discount, see the discount application method in Rules (Order-Level).

Admin Fees

For an account order, it inherits the account's admin fees if there is any, but the admin fees can be change. For details about how to configure the account's admin fees, see Setup or Edit Account.

For a guest order, it inherits the admin fees that are configured in Suite Admin Settings. For details about how to configure the admin fees in Suite Admin Settings, see Select Admin Fee.

For more information about admin fee configuration, see Configure Admin Fee.

Automatic Admin Fees

This dropdown is disabled by default. If the Xenial Online Ordering module applies an automatic admin fee to the current order, this admin fee is displayed. For details about how to configure an automatic discount, see ???.

The fee tip and gratuity are not displayed in this dropdown.

Related Orders


This area lists orders that share the same event, suite, and account with this order. This area is hidden for temporary guest orders and is displayed for account orders only when there are related orders.

Order Number

System-generated order ID

Order State

The state of the order

Order Total

The total amount of the order

Order Balance

The unpaid balance of the order