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Xenial Product Documentation

Cancel Payment

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Suite Catering Orders Order List

Only cancel credit card payments in the Awaiting Tip state, and cancel one at a time.

To cancel a payment:

  1. Navigate to Suite Catering Order List.

  2. From the Order List, open the order in one of the following ways:

    • From the Order Number column, directly select the order number link, or

    • Select the checkbox to the left of the order number link and then from the Actions dropdown select Edit.

  3. From the menu on the left, select Payments.

  4. From the Payments area, select the checkbox of one awaiting tip credit card payment.

  5. From the Actions dropdown in the upper-left area of the Payments List, select Cancel.

  6. From the Confirm popup, select Yes.

    • Alternatively, select No.