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Xenial Portal Data Management Ordering Settings Products Product List

From the General page of the Product List editor, define general settings about a product, including:

  • Naming - Specify how the product is identified on the Ordering application.

  • Reporting - Assign product records to reporting categories to group associated products together on reports.

  • Product Tags - Identify a group of products by an assigned tag when configuring bundled components, modifier groups, pricing rules, and other record types in Data Management.

  • Taxation - Assign a tax group to a product to identify the tax rate to apply to the product price.

  • Additional Information - Provide more descriptive information about the product and define alternate price lookup codes (PLUs).


To specify how the product is identified by name:

  1. From the General page, locate the Naming section.

  2. In the Formal Name field, type the default name of the product.

  3. In the ID field, type a price lookup code (PLU).

    • The PLU is an identification code used to improve the accuracy of inventory control.

  4. From the Item Type dropdown, select Product.


To assign the product to reporting categories:

  1. From the General page, locate the Reporting section.

  2. From the Major Category dropdown, select the major reporting category.

    • Select New Major Category to add a new category.

  3. From the Minor Category dropdown, select the minor reporting category.

    • Select New Minor Category to add a new category.

Product Tags

To assign a tag to a product:

  1. From the General page, locate the Product Tags section.

  2. From the Tags dropdown, select the tag(s).


    To quickly locate an existing tag, type the name in the Tags field.

To add a new tag to the tag list:

  1. In the Tags field, type the tag name.

  2. From the dropdown, select (Add New).


    Review the existing tags to ensure that the new tag is necessary and that it confirms with the naming convention of other tags.


To assign a tax group to a product:

  1. From the General page, locate the Taxation section.

  2. From the Product Tax Group dropdown, select the tax group.

Additional Information

To provide more descriptive information about the product:

  1. From the General page, locate the Additional Information section.

  2. In the Item Description field, type a detailed description of the item. This detailed item description is provided to customers when placing an order online.

    • Multi-site users: Select the globe icon located to the right of the field to define values for each site.

Alternate PLUs

To create alternate price lookup codes (PLUs) for a product:

  1. From the General page, locate the Alternate PLUs section.

  2. Select Create.

  3. In the provided field, scan or type the PLU barcode.

  4. From the lower-right of the Create widow, select Done.