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Sorting Rules

Xenial Portal Data Management Kitchen Settings Kitchen Screen Settings

From the Sorting Rules page of the Kitchen Screen Settings editor, define custom rules for how orders are sorted on the kitchen screen.

  1. From the Sorting Rules field, select Custom.

  2. Select Add Sort Options.

  3. From the Add Sort Options window, select the order event(s) by which to sort orders on the kitchen screen.

    For example, select Future Send Time to sort orders by their respective Future Send Time from earliest to latest.

  4. Select Add [#] Sort Options.

  5. Select and drag the control to the left of the listed sorting rules to sort them from highest to lowest priority (where the sorting rule at the top of the list has the highest priority).


By default, orders are sorted by their respective Arrival Time. To use the default sorting rule, select Default from the Sorting Rules field.

Queue Time Values

To define an alternate value for the Queue Time sort option:

  1. From the right of the Queue Time row, select the vertical ellipsis.

  2. From the popup menu, select Edit Alternate Values.

  3. From the Alternate Value dropdown, select an alternate sorting criterion to use if the Queue Time sorting rule is not defined.

  4. From the lower-right of the Alternate Value window, select Add.