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Xenial Product Documentation

Tag Ordering Rules

Xenial Cloud Portal Data Management Ordering Settings Settings Tag Ordering Rules

The following describes how to create custom ordering rules based on product tags.

Tag ordering rule examples:

  • Beverage for Every Entree on an Order - Order taker must add a beverage for every entree that is added to an order.

  • Beverage for Every Entree on an Order Segment - Order taker must add a beverage for every entree that is added to an order segment.

  • Beverage for Every Order Segment - Order taker must add a beverage for every order segment that is added to an order.

  • Beverage for Every Guest - Order taker must add a beverage for every guest on an order.

To create a tag ordering rule:

  1. From the Tag Ordering Rules List homepage, select New Rule.

  2. From the Create New Tag Rule page, define the settings in the following sections:



    General Options

    Define general settings including the rule name and its active status.


    Define the conditions that trigger the rule.

    Prompt Options

    Define POS prompt options for the rule.

  3. From the upper-right of the screen, select Save.

General Options

From the General Options section of the Tag Ordering Rules section, define the following:



Rule Name

Type a name for the tag ordering rule.


Toggle Active to activate the tag ordering rule at the site.

Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.


From the Conditions section of the Tag Ordering Rules editor, define the conditions that trigger a tag ordering rule:



Validate Against

Select the order component that the tagged items are validated against:

  • Items In Order - Validate against all items on the order.

  • Items In Segment - Validate against all items in an order segment.

  • Segments - Validate against all segments added to an order.

  • Guests - Validate against the Guest Count of an order.

Conditional Tag

From the dropdown, select the product tags that trigger the rule.

This condition is not used if the Validate Against value is Segments or Guests.

Enforce Tag

From the dropdown, select the product tags that are required for an order if the conditional tags are met.

A description of the defined conditions is displayed in the blue field.


The following are examples of tag ordering rule conditions.

Validate Against

Conditional Tag

Enforce Tag

When an item with the Dinner Combos tag is added to an order, the order taker must add an item with the Desserts tag.

Items In Order

Dinner Combos


When an item with the Kids Meals tag is added to an order segment, the order taker must add an item with the Beverages tag to the order segment.

Items In Segment

Kids Meals


An item with the Entrees tag must be added to each order segment.




An item with the Beverages tag must be added for each guest on an order.




Prompt Options

From the Prompt Options section of the Tag Ordering Rules editor, define the following options for a tag ordering rule:



Allow Rule Bypass

Select the desired option:

  • Never - The order taker can never bypass the rule.

  • Always - The order taker has the option to bypass the rule.

  • Permission Only - Employees with the assigned role permissions for this feature can bypass the rule.

POS Prompt

Type the message to display to the order taker at the POS.

  • A preview of the message is displayed in the blue field.

  • The message can contain up to 256 characters.

Add Messaging Variable

From the dropdown, select any optional variables to include in the message:

  • Remaining Item Count - Display the number of enforced items the order taker must add before the rule is satisfied.

  • Segment Names - Display the segment names that require item selections.

  • First Conditional Tag - Display the first selected conditional tag for the rule.

  • First Enforce Tag - Display the first selected enforce tag for the rule.