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Xenial Portal Data Management Ordering Settings Modifiers Modifier List

From the Pricing page of the Modifier List editor, define pricing settings for a modifier, including:

  • Pricing - Specify the standard price of the modifier.

  • Child Item Pricing Rules - Specify the modifier price when it is ordered as a child item.

  • Cost - Specify the modifier cost when purchased from a vendor.


To specify the modifier price at the POS:

  1. From the Pricing page, locate the Pricing section.

  2. Toggle Open Price to Yes to prompt the order taker to type the price at the POS when the modifier is added to an order.

    • Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

  3. Toggle Tax Inclusive to On if all applicable taxes are included in the price.

    When enabled, tax is not applied to the price when the modifier is added to an order.

  4. In the Price field, type the modifier price.

    • Multi-site users: To the right of the field, select the globe icon to define values for each site.

  5. From the Roll Up Price dropdown, select the applicable option. The selected option determines how the product price is rolled up into a parent product price.



    Do Not Roll Up

    Do NOT roll up the price to the parent product price.

    Roll Up After Tax

    Roll up the price to the parent product price AFTER tax is applied.

    Roll Up Before Tax

    Roll up the price to the parent product price BEFORE tax is applied.

Child Item Pricing Rules

To define a child item pricing rule:

  1. From the Pricing page, locate the Child-Item Pricing Rules section.

  2. From the Child-Item Pricing Rules section, select Add Modifier Child-Item Pricing Rule.

  3. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, define how the modifier is priced as a child item.


  1. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, locate the General section.

  2. In the Set Name field, type a name for the rule.

Choose Products

  1. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, locate the Choose Products section.

  2. From the Select Product dropdown, select the desired option:



    Specific Product

    Define the price of the product when it is a child of one or more specific products.

    Group of Products (tags)

    Define the price of the product when it is a child of any product tagged with one or more specific tags.

    Tags and Specific Products

    Define the price of the product when it is a child of one or more specific products OR any product tagged with one or more specific tags.

  3. Select the applicable products and/or tags for this child item pricing rule. The available fields are determined by the option selected in the previous step.

    • From the Individual Products dropdown, select the specific products.

      When the product is ordered as a child of any of the selected products, the child item pricing rule is applied.

    • From the Parent Tag(s) dropdown, select the tags.

      Every product associated with the selected tags is an eligible parent item. When the product is a child of any of these items, the child item pricing rule is applied.


  1. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, locate the Pricing section.

  2. Toggle Tax Inclusive to On if all applicable taxes are included in the price.

    When enabled, tax is not applied to the price when the product is added to an order.

  3. Toggle Quantity Based to On to enable the Pricing by Quantity feature.

    When enabled, the price of the product is determined by the quantity that is added to the order.

    For example, one (1) slice of Garlic Bread is provided free with an order, but each additional slice is $0.99.

  4. From the Price Adjustment field, select the desired method for adjusting the standard item price:

    • Replace – Replace the standard price with a specified price.

    • Amount - Adjust the standard price by a specified amount.

  5. From the Adjustment Value field, specify the price/amount by which the standard price is adjusted.


When Quantity Based is toggled On, the Price Adjustment and Adjustment Value fields are removed from the form.

Pricing by Quantity


Follow these steps when the Quantity Based setting in the Pricing section is toggled On.

  1. From the Modifier Type dropdown, select the desired option:



    Specific Modifiers

    Define a quantity-based pricing rule for one or more specific modifiers.

    Group of Specific Modifiers

    Define a quantity-based pricing rule for any modifier that is tagged with one or more specific tags.


    Define a quantity-based pricing rule for specific modifiers and any modifier tagged with one or more specific tags.

  2. Select the applicable modifiers and/or tags for this pricing rule. The available fields are determined by the selected option in the previous step.

    • From the Modifiers dropdown, select the specific modifiers.

    • From the Modifier Tag(s) dropdown, select the tags.

      Every modifier associated with the selected tags is included in this pricing rule.

  3. From the Pricing by Quantity section, select Create to define a new pricing by quantity rule.

    Repeat the following steps to add each quantity range and its respective price:

    • Use the +/- buttons to set the Range Start to the lowest modifier quantity in the range.

    • Use the +/- buttons to set the Range End to the highest modifier quantity in the range.

    • From the Price Adjustment field, select the desired price adjustment option:

      • Replace – Replace the standard price with a specific price when the quantity ordered is within this range.

      • Amount - Adjust the standard price by a specific amount when the quantity ordered is within this range.

    • From the Adjustment Value field, specify the price/amount by which the price is replaced/adjusted.

    • From the lower-right, select Done.

Roll Up Parent Pricing

  1. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, locate the Roll Up Parent Pricing section.

  2. From the Roll Up Price dropdown, select the applicable option. The selected option determines how the modifier price is rolled up into a parent product price.



    Do Not Roll Up

    Do NOT roll up the price to the parent product price.

    Roll Up After Tax

    Roll up the price to the parent product price AFTER tax is applied.

    • Toggle Use Alternative Item Price to On to use the price of another item when rolling up the price.

    • From the Select Alternative Item dropdown, select an item price to calculate the currency amount to roll up to the parent product. The difference is displayed as the child item price.

    Roll Up Before Tax

    Roll up the price to the parent product price BEFORE tax is applied.

    • Toggle Use Alternative Item Price to On to use the price of another item when rolling up the price.

    • From the Select Alternative Item dropdown, select an item price to calculate the currency amount to roll up to the parent product. The difference is displayed as the child item price.


  1. From the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, locate the Conditions section.

  2. Toggle Any Order Sources to the desired value:

    • Yes - Apply the rule regardless of the order source.

    • No - Only apply the rule with certain order sources. From the Order Sources dropdown, select the applicable order source(s).

Save & Close the Record

To save the pricing rule and return to the Price page:

From the lower-right of the Child-Item Pricing Rule form, select Add Product Child-Item Pricing Rules.

  • The pricing rule is added to the list of rules in the Child-Item Pricing Rules section.

  • Select and drag the control to the left of each rule to sort the list by lowest-to-highest priority (where the rule at the top of the list has the highest priority).


To specify the modifier cost when purchased from a vendor:

  1. From the Pricing page, locate the Cost section.

  2. In the Cost field, type the vendor cost.