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Schedule Variance Cost Analysis (Detail)

The Schedule Variance Cost Analysis (Detail) report compares and details the cost variance between the scheduled shifts and the actual shifts worked by hourly employees.

Report Overview

Summary Section

The Summary section, located at the bottom of the report, includes the following:




Number and name of the store associated with the labor details.

Clock In

  • Time - Total clock-in variance.

  • Cost - Total cost of the clock in variance.

Clock Out:

  • Time - Total clock-out variance.

  • Cost - Total cost of the clock in variance.

Short Break

  • Time - Total time in short breaks.

  • Count - Total number of short breaks.

  • Cost - Total cost of the short break variance.

Total Cost

The total cost of the schedule variance.

Things to Know

Shifts that do not meet predefined time card parameters will not be included on the Schedule Variance Cost Analysis report. The following note is displayed in the details section of the report:

"Any shift outside of [# of minutes early] and [# of minutes late] will not display on this report."

The following describes how the number of minutes in this rule are calculated:

  • [# of minutes early] = [Twenty (20) minutes + "Grace Minutes Employee Can Clock In/Out Early"]

  • [# of minutes late] = [Twenty (20) minutes + "Grace Minutes Employee Can Clock In/Out Late"]

The system administrator defines the following parameters:

  • Grace Minutes Employee Can Clock In/Out Early

  • Grace Minutes Employee Can Clock In/Out Late

In the following example, a five (5) minute grace period is allowed for early and late time punches with a twenty (20) minute "tolerance" interval.

The values are used to match shifts with their respective time card punches. Any punches outside of this threshold will not be included on the Schedule Variance Cost Analysis report.

[en] Early / Late Time Punch Thresholds

Select the image to view the full-size version.

kuva 1. Early / Late Time Punch Thresholds

How is the variance determined between a scheduled shift and an actual shift?

To determine the variance values, the report compares the Shift Start and Shift End of a scheduled shift with the Clock In and Clock Out times of the actual shift worked by the employee.

To determine the variance cost, the difference between the scheduled shift and the actual shift is multiplied by the pay rate.