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Authorized Users

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

Authorized users, excluding non-SuiteSpot users, are able to access SuiteSpot—the fan-facing site—to place orders and manage account settings.

This menu is not visible for temporary guest accounts.

Note: It is possible to save an account without adding an authorized user.

Add Authorized User

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuAccountsAuthorized Users

Only permanent accounts support authorized users.

To add an authorized user to an account:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. From the Account List, select a permanent account.

  4. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Users.

  5. From the upper-right of the Authorized Users area, select Add User.

  6. In the New User popup, type the email address of the new user.

  7. From the lower-right of the New User popup, select Create.

    • If the user to be added has been added as an authorized user of an account on the Suite Catering Admin Portal in another company but has not been added as an authorized user of an account in the current company yet, a message is displayed, asking whether to import the information of this user. Select Import to import all the information of the user.

    • If the user to be added has already been added as an authorized user of an account in the current company, an error message is displayed, stating that its email already exists.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel.

  8. In the form, type the first name and last name of the user in the respective fields.

    • Required information is indicated by an asterisk.

  9. Under the Phone Numbers area, type a valid phone number for the user. Type only numbers.

    • At least one phone number is required.

    • Assign one phone number as the user’s primary phone number by turning on the corresponding Primary toggle. If only one phone number is typed, its Primary toggle is turned on by default. If no country code is typed, the United States country code is used by default.

  10. Under the Address area, select the Address field.

  11. In the Address popup, type required information.

    • Required information is indicated by an asterisk.

  12. From the lower-right of the Address popup, select Save.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel.

  13. Under the Permissions area in the New User popup, use the toggle switches to enable or disable user permissions.

  14. From the lower-right of the New User popup, select Save.

    • After selecting Save, a SuiteSpot registration email will be sent to the email address of the user to be added.

Primary Authorized User

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

Information about the primary authorized user.

  • If an account has only one authorized user, this user automatically becomes the primary user.

  • An account may have only one primary user.

Assign/Remove Primary User Status

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

To assign (or remove) primary user status:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. Select the user in one of the following ways:

    • Directly from the Authorized User List, or

    • From the Actions dropdown, select Edit.

  4. Select the Primary User toggle to either assign or remove primary user status.

  5. From the lower-right of the Address popup, select Save.

Edit Authorized User

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

To edit an authorized user:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. From the Account List, select the desired account.

  4. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Users.

  5. From the authorized user list, locate the user.

  6. Open the Edit User popup in one of the following ways:

    • Directly select the user

    • Select the checkbox of the user and select Edit from the Actions dropdown, or

    • Select the 3-dot menu of the user and select Edit from the dropdown menu.

  7. In the Edit User popup, update user information, as necessary.

  8. From the lower-right of the Edit User popup, select Save.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel.

Delete Authorized User

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

To delete an authorized user:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. From the Account List, select the desired account.

  4. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Users.

  5. From the authorized user list, locate the user.

  6. Select the 3-dot menu of the user.

    • Alternatively, select the checkbox next to the user.

  7. From the dropdown menu, select Remove.

    • Alternatively, from the upper-left of the authorized user list, select the Remove button, if selecting multiple users.

  8. From the Confirm popup, select Yes to confirm the removal.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel to revoke the removal.

  9. From the upper-right of the Accounts area, select Save.

Copy or Send Reset Password Link

Xenial Cloud Portal4-Dot MenuSuite CateringAccountsAuthorized Users

To copy or send a reset password link:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. From the Account List, select the desired account.

  4. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Users.

  5. From the authorized user list, locate the user.

  6. Select the 3-dot menu to the right of the user row.

    • Alternatively, select the checkbox next to the user.

  7. From the 3-dot menu dropdown, select Reset Password.

    • Alternatively, from the upper-left of the authorized user list, use the Actions dropdown to select Reset Password.

    • The Reset Password option is only available for registered SuiteSpot users.

  8. From the Reset Password popup, select Copy Link or Send Email.

    • If selecting Send Email, the reset password link is sent to the email address of the current user.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel.

Copy or Resend SuiteSpot Invitation Link

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Suite Catering AccountsAuthorized Users

To copy or send the SuiteSpot invitation link of an authorized user:

  1. From the Xenial Cloud Portal, navigate to Suite Catering.

  2. From the menu on the left, select Accounts.

  3. From the Account List, select the desired account.

  4. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Users.

  5. From the authorized user list, locate the user.

  6. Select the 3-dot menu to the right of the user row.

    • Alternatively, select the checkbox next to the user.

  7. From the dropdown menu, select Resend Invite.

    • Alternatively, from the upper-left of the authorized user list, use the Actions dropdown to select Resend Invite.

    • The Resend Invite option is hidden if the current user is a non-SuiteSpot user or has been activated for SuiteSpot.

  8. From the Resend Invite popup, select Copy Link or Send Email.

    • If selecting Send Email, the SuiteSpot invitation link is sent to the email address of the current user.

    • Alternatively, select Cancel.