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Suite Order Summary Report Details

Xenial Cloud Portal 4-Dot Menu Reports SUITE CATERING Suite Order Summary

The Suite Order Summary Report displays:

List Header


Order Date

The origination date of the order

Order Number

System-generated order ID

Order State

State of the order

Order Type

Type of the order


The account responsible for the order


The suite to deliver the order

Suite Representative

The individual who oversees the order fulfillment, and assists with suite issues that may arise

Suite Attendant

The suite attendant handling the order

Payment Total

Total payment amount, highlighted in red for refund orders

Order Total

Total value of the order


Amount of tax paid for the order, including both inclusive tax and exclusive tax

Balance Due

Amount that has not been paid. The calculation formula is as follows:

Balance Due = Order Total + TipPayment Total

The value of Balance Due may be a negative number if:

  • An order edited, removed, or updated on the Suite Catering Admin portal after it is paid.

  • The discount is changed after the order is paid.

Invoice Balance Due

Invoice amount that has not been paid


After a successful refund of a paid invoice, the invoice balance due increases by the refund amount and refund tip.

Invoice Total

Total amount due of the invoice


After a successful refund of a paid invoice, the invoice total deducts the refund amount and refund tip.


Suite Order Summary Report:

  • Presents bundles, their child bundles, and items together at the same level.

  • Excludes data related to Purged, Voided, and Deleted orders.

  • Includes associated items when sold as individual products (A La Carte); otherwise, excludes them.

  • Displays the quantities of refund items as negative.